Trust Your Body. Trust Your Baby. Release Your fears.

You were made for this.

Doula: [/dōōle/]

A doula is a person who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to birthing persons and their families throughout pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. This support can also extend to fertility, loss, abortion, adoption, and all the spaces in between.

Really though, a doula is the person who helps you prepare to advocate for your wishes, makes sure you're well informed about all the processes, they can even be your shoulder to lean on (literally & figuratively)

Work with Bri

The Foundation, if you will

In- depth support during pregnancy, birth, and in the postpartum period. No matter where you chose to birth, we’ll be there for you and your family!

Taking it a step further

Planning to conceive? Grieving a loss? Taking a different route to expand your family? Need assistance getting other littles adjusted? Get the support you deserve!

But wait, there’s more

Have specific needs or just want to maximize the support? Consider Childbirth Education. Placenta Encapsulation, Meal Support, and much more!